Activated Carbon for Air Filtration
In our industrial society, manufacturing and commercial facilities are required to filter air and gases of chemicals, odors, and compounds that can cause health and environmental damage. Puragen Activated Carbons products are typically used to scrub gas and vapor streams of harmful emissions and foul odors, in addition to recovering reusable solvents. Puragen Activated Carbons products help protect and purify the world we live in so we breathe cleaner air.
Coal Fired Utilities
Puragen Activated Carbons special ultra-fine grade PACs as well as halogen impregnated PAC can be injected into the flue gas of coal fired utility plants to reduce mercury emissions and comply with the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
Flue Gas
Flue gas is a by-product of burning fuel or waste products for energy. Puragen Activated Carbons products are effective at high temperatures and their large surface area captures a range of compounds from flue gas to reduce mercury, dioxin, furans, and other emissions.
Gas Purification
Whether purifying specialty gases to ultra-pure levels, treating hydrogen purification using pressure swing adsorption (PSA) or simply removing siloxane from methane, Puragen Activated Carbons offers the right products for industrial gas manufacturers.
General Filtration
Puragen Activated Carbons products are very effective in removing organic and inorganic impurities in air streams. In some large air treatment applications, spent activated carbon can be reactivated and returned for service or reused in other applications.
Odor Removal
Odor control technology is critical to industrial and municipal operations where foul odors can be harmful to human health. Examples include industrial facilities that emit odors caused by sulfur compounds, ammonia, and amines.
Respirator applications rely on Puragen Activated Carbons products to protect people from a wide variety of harmful contaminants in gases, vapors, dusts, mists, fumes, smoke, sprays, and fog. Respirators are critical in many manufacturing industries.
Solvent Recovery
Solvent recovery systems enable solvents to be recovered and reused. Puragen Activated Carbons products are excellent at adsorbing many solvents and is competitive with alternative technologies like oxidation. It also readily desorbs the solvents for recovery.
If you need guidance in finding the right activated carbon solution for your specific needs, please contact our team of trained professionals for assistance.